
Creating Custom Stock photos

Are you excited to post your face all over socials some days but at other times not so much? The good news is there are a heap of other things you can photograph to break up your feed yet stay on brand.  Start by replacing those stock photos that everyone else has with your own gallery of custom stock photos.  No more wasted time or money searching for stock photos that fit your aesthetic and match your brand. Use them everywhere as backgrounds to banners – it’s a great way to share more about you with your audience without saying a word. I’ve put some ideas below to get you started: 

  • bookshelf – grab a photo of your favorite books or other things you have on display – crystals, oracle decks, ornaments… if you’re proud enough to put it on display it’s perfect to photography
  • plants – lineup or arrange some plants in pots, shoot fresh flowers on the table or a snap a fav bloom in the garden.  If in doubt get closer – it looks more professional if you have one of the thing in focus and the rest a little blurry in the background
  • workspace – get arty with your favorite stationary photographing from above at an angle, snap your vision board and don’t forget your favorite tea mug or coffee cups
  • got a printable or freebie?  Find a surface that isn’t too busy (can be carpet, concrete, tiles, floorboards, tables – what ever resonates) and layout the freebie as if you’re about to fill it in.  Add a pen and a pot plant or candle and you’re set.

I snap these type of images when you get changed during your personal brand shoot so I’ve shared a couple of examples below to get your ideas flowing. 

Turn on a 20 minute timer and do a quick trip about your workspace, home and garden, have some fun and unleash your creativity!

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