but I’m not photogenic…
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but I’m not photogenic…

but I’m not photogenic… Photogenic: A subject (generally a person) is photogenic if appearing aesthetically or physically attractive or appealing in photographs.  “But I’m not photogenic” you declare. I call bulls**t! This translates to ‘I’m not comfortable in my skin’ (and why are you judging your self worth on your appearance anyways?!?) Not liking how you look…

Losing weight is a sh!t new year’s resolution

Losing weight is a sh!t new year’s resolution

With every intent to offend your sensibilities – please tell me you didn’t set the generic ‘to lose weight’ new year’s resolution?  Losing weight is a sh!t goal.  Strong is the new black. Fit and healthy are worthy ambitions but losing weight for weight loss sake is craptastic. Why do you want to lose weight?…

I believe…

I believe…

I’m having a bad day and sometimes therapy is getting thoughts out of your head, through your finger tips and into the ether…   I believe gender stereo types limit all genders I believe gender/identity differs from sex/biology and its a spectrum, and you don’t get a choice I believe marriage between two consenting adults…